Monday 15 December 2014


                                     We know that the Holy  Bible is a book of promises.It contains promises for practically every aspect of our life from womb to tomb.Often I used to think that all these promises are totally free  for me ! So every morning and night,I just make it a point to claim a few promises  that I thought was necessary for me at that point of time.I felt happy that all I need to do is just claim the promises  and do nothingelse on my part.I believed  that God will just fulfill all promises I claimed.In due course,the Lord revealed to me that there is no promise in the Bible that is given for free and every promise has a condition attached to it.This condition may either precede the promise or succeed it.In some cases the condition is hidden or understood.In short,in all cases ,I need to do my part to expect  God to do His part! This revelation changed my entire outlook towards the Biblical promises.Now,I do my part first ,then claim the God’s part.
The present topic will reveal  what we need to do  before claiming the promise that is found in the Bible.
1)PROMISE   Isa 33:16 ”His bread will be supplied,and water will not fail him”
CONDITION   Isa 33:15 “He who walks righteously and speaks what is right,who rejects gain from extortion and keeps his hand from accepting bribes,who stops his ears against the plots of murder and shuts his eyes against contemplating evil- (16) this is the man who will dwell on the heights,whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. HIS BREAD WILL BE SUPPLIED AND WATER WILL NOT FAIL HIM”.

                                                                                                                                      (To be continued)